A downloadable game

Title: Pong+

Platform: PC

Genre: 3D Endless Runner


Welcome to Pong+ game page.  This game was developed for a university project, with the objective of leaning and using Unity and C#. The project goal was to create a game, with some new/interesting features.

Pong+ is a new iteration of the well-known game Pong. We decided to integrate an endless runner aspect to it, making the objective of the game to destroy every single opponent that challenges you, there also will be numerous challenges presented by the opponents and by the environment.


The game will be based of the original game Pong, the basic mechanics will be mostly the same as the original, with some twists and challenges added.

The main premise of the game is that the player controls a character (the Pong rectangle), and has the objective of keep destroying enemy rectangles, until it is too much to handle much like endless runners. This would deviate from the original game goal, which is to win a 1v1 game. 

We decided to add to the Arcade genre already present in the Pong game, the Endless runner aspect to make the game somewhat infinite and it would be portrayed in third person from the players rectangle perspective.


- 3D Endless runner gameplay.

- Control a rectangle left to right.

 - Numerous opponents, even at the same time .

- Power ups.


- In some occasions the ball will start to move before the countdown ends, we set the ball mass higher and reset the ball position before the countdown, but sometimes it doesn't work.

- If the conditions are met, the ball will start to move in a linear motion against the walls, to prevent this I added two objects to the wall to correct the ball movement.

- It was not possible to improve the ball movement when it hits an extreme side of the player or enemy, the OnCollisionEnter method was being called in  a loop, making the ball constantly change directions and stay still.


Pong+ 19 MB
Source Code 94 MB
Pong+ GDD 385 kB
Pitch 812 kB

Install instructions

- Download .zip

- Unzip Files

- Run Pong+.exe